Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I have a question?????

What do u do when you r participating in a school project and your best friend thinks that u r getting too much in the project and think that u r 2 cool 2 do the work and that another friend thinks the same thing. What should i do and what would u do. Please leave comments because i need help and an answer!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010


The best show I have ever seen is Vampire Diaries as u c on the right. This show is about vampires and that could be y i like it but i also like it because the cute guy on the left and the one on the right. Those boys r just HOTTT. There is no choice because u have 2 c this show, u will luv it. Thursday, 8:00-9:00 and they repeat it on Sunday, 8:00-9:00.

Monday, April 19, 2010

When i was a little girl my parents would take me 2 disney world. We would get autographs from cartoons such as pluto. In this picture u can c that pluto cant really c the autograph book. He had to take the book all the way 2 his eye. We all no that hewas in a costume so he coudnt c. LOL :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010


I was watching videos of little girls dancing to music and saw this one girl and her name was Arianna. She was amazing. She is only four and she was in fashion show. I cant even dance like that. She was dancing to Empire State of Mind, Single Ladies, Diva, Hot & Cold, Bidi Bidi Bom Bom and much more. If u get the chance just go to you tube then type arianna empire state of mind and u could watch that and more. U can be suprised of what she can do. I will try 2 get a pic.

Please Watch Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, April 16, 2010


My question:
What should u do if u like someone and your friend knows but likes to hurt him and torture him. I do not like when people hurt him because it makes me feel that if i ever go out with him people will think im crazy for picking him. I want to say something to my friend but i dont want to say it in a mean way and i wouldnt know how to say it.


Friday, April 9, 2010

Edward Cullen.

This is a picture of Edward Cullen aka Robert Pattinson. I know he is ugly. In the movie Twilight Bella likes him but she is better off with Jacob aka Taylor Lautner. This photo was on my wall. I then took it off. I now have Jacob on my wall shirtless, just saying.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

TUTI the Puerto Rican dog

This is my grandparents' dog, tuti. He lives in Puerto Rico so his name is Spanish. My dad told me that one day we would go 2 c him. I dont no about him so this is really all I can say. Really in this blog im just writing about dog especialy my dog.